I received a call last weekend from my dear friend Richard Perdue. He was celebrating his wedding anniversary on Harney/Black Elk Peak. He wanted to hear the song I played at his wedding. I had a hard time finding an mp3 of it, so I made a new recording of it over the last couple days.
Happy Anniversary Richard & Tracy!
For those interested in stories about songs (I’m one of those people), I wrote this song somewhere around 1998, 1999. I was swimming at Hippie Hole (see above picture). Back then before google published it’s location, it was much quieter and hard to find. I was swimming alone and someone had taken the rope used to help climb back up to the top. I just climbed the rock where the rope was. After the 2nd or 3rd time, I thought about little Adam who would have been 1-2 years old. I thought about how rough it would be on him, if something happened to me. After that, I took the long walk around to get back up (until the rope was replaced).
I Think About You – by Willy Grigg
Whenever I feel the threat of danger
Whenever I see a mysterious stranger
When I see the sun all bright and shining
Whenever I need a silver lining
When I hear some birds out singing and flying
Whenever I hear a baby crying
When I think my life is just beginning
Whenever I think I might be winning
You’re my peaceful forest, you’re my flowing stream
You’re the place I can lay me down and dream and dream