Let’s Make America Kind Again

Willy Grigg – Let’s Make America Kind Again

Let’s Make America Kind Again by Willy Grigg

Let’s make America kind again, let’s make America nice
Let’s take a look at the pie we’re sharing
and make sure everybody’s getting a slice
There’s plenty to go round the whole table
But there’s many sitting by an empty plate
If we can make America kind again
We can make America nice
We can make America fair again
We can make America great

I know you’re gonna tell me, we were never that kind before
But there was a time we treated a stranger
Just like the guy next door

Let’s make America hope again, Let’s make America brave
Brave enough to look at the problems
Maybe even settle down and behave
We all want the world to get better
But things can’t get any better while we hate
If we can make America kind again
We can make America nice again
We can make America better than it was
We can make America great

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